
Damaco Group

Gatehouse bezoekersregistratie Damaco Group

Damaco Group

Kipco Damaco was looking for a professional registration for their visitor. It had to be intuitive for both the visitor and their own employees who do the follow-up. From now on, every visitor is registered smoothly on the Gatehouse kiosk, which only enhances the appearance of the reception. While registering, visitors are also shown the internal hygiene rules, these instructions must also be approved before completing the registration.

Thank you for your trust!

An-Marie Follens: "Gatehouse has made our reception more efficient and also gives it a professional look! The visitor management and security features are excellent. It is very convenient that contacts are automatically notified and that they have also immediately gone through all the necessary hygiene and security rules. An-Marie Follens, Marketing Manager Damaco Group."

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